End of turn 4/Beginning turn 5.
Once again, the Niddog have undergone a rather large advancement in their culture. The influx of new ideas, and new activities has finally taken its toll on the youngest generation, which are now developing at what once would have been phenominal speeds. Furthermore with the advent of songs, stories, and certain newer teaching styles, the Younglings have started making their own words, advancing the Niddogs language farther than it has ever been before, and allowing the Niddog to talk about more complex ideas. Furthermore many of the skills the Niddog previously had developed have seen a rather impressive migration across the whole culture. Through the influence of traveling gods, smarter youth, and simply the time that has passed, the teachings that once were considered specialties have largely spread throughout much of the forest, though there are still those who are experts in the fields. Truly, this is the first real change in the Niddog, not just their ammassed skills, but the very way that they think.

Though many things have changed, some things remain the same, or mostly the same. The Music-Bringer and her family continue to travel the many roads, spreading the joy of music, and word of the great Arasylon. Burnt-one spends what are likely his last days in comfort, his aprentice slowly taking over the teaching of fire to the passing younglings, and spreading word of Krixal the fire-walker, who himself traveled the land spreading word of fire, and continuing his goals of trying to get the Niddog to finally start to cook in earnest. Ardannis has wandered the paths of the Niddog continuing to spread knowledge of traveling the wild, and those that followed him have truly started to learn the art of trail-blazing. Furthermore, Tek has started to help collect all the teachings of the Niddog, so that their skills may be all learned and taught in a single place. Forneus has begun to try to form the first non-familial social structure, planning on bringing two families to a single home, though few will hear of this grand experiment untill its results become obvious. Sedha has returned once more, this time spreading knowlege of things which live inside of others, and teaching how on occasion, that which once caused sickness, can be used to heal the sick. And last but not least, Mandak has wandered the land, spreading far the teachings of earthen walls, though now, he becomes most renown for the great hallow, a god-made cave underneath a hill, in which some of his greatest students now reside, teaching those who wander by, the skill of crafting barricades of earth.

Will the skills of the Niddog continue to develop, or will some new Immortal, and new teachings, overcome these, spreading entirely new ideas in their stead.