Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
That's not wrong.

However, you're still taking as read Argyl's uncited contention that having a draft character dialogue seem incorrect and changing it for something else is any definition of "failure".

LoTR was rewritten dozens of times in a major way. Is it a failure? ALL movies have sections taken out or redone in post. Are they ALL failures? Any definition that would have everything fit under it is not a definition.

And it still remains merely his definition because it has no citation. A definition that only he thinks is right. Occam's razor comes in and says that the simplest solution is that he's wrong.

Unfortunately, Argyl loves to troll.
Yikes! Sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression that I agree with his definition. Revision and re-imagining are very important tools for any writer. I'm a Constant Reader of Stephen King, and I'm very familiar with his idea that the characters tell the story and the author is just along for the ride. Also I just finished reading Tolkien's Unfinished Tales and both Lost Tales books, coincidentally. They made me decide I needed to re-read The Silmarillion for comparison, so that's what I'm reading now.

Quote Originally Posted by David Argall View Post
Which is not a serious concern. The theme here has not been Roy as the perfect picture of Law. A much more likely theme is the value of loyalty to friends and companions. [Roy is criticized for leaving Elan, and praised for not letting Miko kill Belkar.] So a rescue of Miko, his lover under this possible storyline, would be entirely consistent.
I bet the deva would disagree with you there. Leaving Elan = not lawful, and not all that good. More like petty and spiteful. And Roy, being a lawful good person, realized this, was horrified at his behavior, and went back for him.

"I went to Fighter College because I wanted to help people. To protect the weak and -- The weak. Oh, gods. Elan!" -Roy

Hinjo was actually the one who stopped her from killing Belkar, if you mean just after she fell. And I don't see where the deva spoke to Roy about it. But anyway, standing aside while one person kills another = not lawful, and definitely not good.

"Because we have the rule of law in this city, and the rule of law says that you don't get to kill people because they happen to do something wrong." -Hinjo

Helping a regicide to escape justice is unlikely to be good, and is definitely not lawful. Roy got into the lawful good afterlife, because he's been *trying* to be lawful good all along. There is just no way he could claim that if he ran off with his fallen paladin murderess girlfriend, with whose actions he did not agree.

"All that matters to me right now is that you just killed the only other person who was actively trying to fix this stupid end-of-the-world thing." -Roy

So yes, since Roy always tries to do the lawful thing, it would have been totally out of character to help Miko escape.

Also, all paladins should be just played just like O-Chul. Because he's awesome like that.