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    Houston, TX

    Default Re: Beating Batman: Sir Giacomo's Guide to Monks

    Quote Originally Posted by Rutee View Post
    Talic seems to have a usable line of reasoning for a UMD tool. Of course, by the logic of "It's up ot the GM to disallow it", you can say "I wish the game was over" and succeed, with Wish. RAW isn't as useful as common sense.

    If in your games, commoners may begin orgies of grappling to move at supersonic speeds, that's your business, but the rest of us will save pure RAW for a world of silliness.
    ...Done yet?

    Now, if we're done comparing the creation of a tool for a skill to Wish spells to end the game, commoner rail guns, and other such things, would you care to reformulate an argument based on the specifics of THIS RAW point, rather than any other abuses that might exist?

    Because judging this specific point by the qualities of another is... ya know... Straw man.

    EDIT: I will add this. While a world of pure RAW may be silly, a world with NO RAW is infinitely moreso. And since I hardly consider you to be the be all authority on what is and isn't acceptable in the RAW, let's stick to the common ground, the RAW, for rules debating on whether something is allowed, mmk? And if you wish to play something different in YOUR home games, that is up to you, and more power to you. But such personal changes have almost no bearing here.

    I believe the subforum you're looking for is homebrew. It's a couple lines down. Have fun with that.
    Last edited by Talic; 2008-06-07 at 02:33 PM.