
Rock: Your interpretation of the way that Practiced Spellcaster and WildMage work was different than mine. Your interpretation makes the combination more effective, so I'll stick with that.

With that in mind, my result of 1 corresponds to the CL of 7, which was 20 damage, or 10 because he saved for half damage.


Thas was close!

This thing has better reflexes than I supposed. Or perhaps it just got lucky. For now, I'll go with lucky.


Roll for Caster Level: (1d6)[6]

1=CL of 7 (7d6)[27]
2=CL of 8 (8d6)[26]
3=CL of 9 (9d6)[35]
4+=CL of 10+ (damage cap of 10d6) (10d6)[36]