Very well, follow me please, then. Don't worry about your companion, Pie, it has already been directed there by some one of my servants. She's, let's say, very gifted with animals. I believe you won't mind this little iniative of mine will you? Well, follow me please.

With these words then the queen directs your personally trough a smaller door hidden beihind a curtain. You are leaded trough a small dark corridor with strange runes in the walls and lighted by strange glowing blue jewels in the ceiling.

Eventually, you reach a sealed stone door. The queen whispers some words and it opens slowly, moving by itself. In the other side is a large room, even bigger than the audience chamber. There, you see a serie of scholars and mages discussing and performing what seems like alchemical. Scores of books and artifacts fill the walls. There are several fountains in the walls, bringing a flow of pure fresh water, and in the middle lays a garde wich is lighted by a large circular opening in the celing, where some of the scholars seem to rest.

The diferent people there bow to the queen as she passes near them, and Tymio smiles soflty back at them.

This is my personal library, where travelers found of knowledge, my mage retinue and some others discuss, work, study, or just come to have some intelectual estimulation. Now, where is that girl... Ah, there she is. Eling, come here, dear. Play time is over.

When you look at the part where Tymio pointed, you see (another) beatifull woman, but this one dressed with tight armor wich seems to be made from leaves. Her pitck black hair is tighted in a pony tail, and a bow in her back and a pair of shortswords in her belt. Altough at first human looking, a natural grace and slightly pointed hears sugest some elf blood on her.

Eling was entertained peting a large megaraptor near the garden, whispering something near his head and pating his back, wich Pie imediatily recognizes as Cake. Whe the ranger hears her queen call, she aproaches the party.

Ah, pleased to meet you. This is a wonderfull animal you have here, shame I can't spend more time with it. Oh, yes I'm Eiling the hunter, and I serve Tymio the wise. So, you're the ones who are going to investigate that matter wich has bugging the queen for weeks? I wish you good luck, and to solve this as quickly as possible. Tymio has barely eaten in the last...

Now now, dear, that will be enough-
interrupts the queen, still keeping her smile-This is suposed to be a discrett matter, not something to be talked lightly with anyone.

Ah, sorry, my queen-says Eiling, blushing slightly, bowing and then leting herself stay behind as the party keeps following Tymio.

She's a good girl, just somewhat light headed. Now, here we are. Julius, this are the ones I told you about. Can you send them?

The men the queen speacks now, wich seemed just like another scholar at distance, covered by a hood, reveals himself to be an orc as he turns to the party. Scarred, tough, grey skin covers and tuffs of black tick hair his face, but his eyes, in contract, seem to glow with cold powerfull intelect. As he stands from the chair he was siting, he reveals himself to be exceptionally tall and well muscled. His right hand holds a large staff with a white jewel at the tip.

Hmpf. They look strong. They better be. This will be no playing matter. Are you all ready? I'll teleport you to the outskirts of the town where the succubi has been last sighted, and then I'll return to this castle. In three days time I'll return to the same location and I'll expcet you'll be there to report the situation. If, and only if, you find yourselfs in trouble, use this.

With this words, he hands Pie a black pearl ring, with strange carved runes all along it.

Breack it, and the bearer and anyone touching him will be teleported to a safe place. Don't use it lightly, please.