Quote Originally Posted by Player_Zero View Post
One of the chemistry teahcers at my school taught me some pretty crude jokes on the German trip... His name was Mr. Crowley, incidentally.

He also walked into people's lessons at random and lighted strips magnesium he carried around... And he also did a lot of the cooler explosive experiments for no reason, too... He was everyone's favourite teacher... Now he works at Trent University, I believe.


...It turned out Wally wasn't behind me... He must've slipped away when I was turning around... He's a crafty one that Wally.
I had the most amazing chem teacher ever in tenth grade. His name was Mr. Bright, and he would splode stuff up every couple of weeks. Like one time, he poured... ethanol... I believe... into one of those water fountain giant barrel things, and shook it up until it all evaporated. (And it was quite a lot.) And then covered the barrel.

He then got one of us to hold a long match and knock the cover off of it, and light the gas inside at the same time. THAT was loud. And it blew some of the ceiling panels clean out.

And then he had a small half-liter bottle of water which he cut the bottom off of. He then attached to top to a gas hose, and poured some water into it at the same time running some sort of gas through the hose. He let it make a ton of gas bubbles, and then threw a match in. It made a pretty mushroom-shaped fireball for some reason.

Ahh that class was amazing.