Transmission from the Aseioni Office on Kartha

The Aseioni Office On Kartha has elected to publish its protocol for consular proposals, as well as elicit suggestions and recommendations from the Theian community on what to do with this year's Karthan Space plan.

Proposal Protocal for the Karthan Space fleet management
1. Karthan resources under coalition management should, ideally, be used to advance and rebuild Kartha. As a result, the Aseioni Office should, generally, give these types of proposals the highest priority.
2. If there is no clear way for these resources to be used for a primarily or specifically Karthan benefit, then they ought to be allocated towards important Interlunar/Translunar issues.
3. If no major interlunary issue presents itself, then the Aseioni Office is open to proposals from all interested parties regarding the use of Karthan space resources. The Aseioni Office, in examining the value of these proposals, will generally preference proposals that either a) benefit moons with an especially small space fleet, or b) provide a public as well private benefit. In the case that the Karthan space fleet is effectively being rented for the use of another organization, then the rent for such use should go primarily, if not entirely, towards rebuilding Kartha.

At present, the Aseioni office sees no opportunity for Karthan interests to be significantly advanced by its present fleet. The Aseioni Office on Kartha, therefore, offers the use Karthan space resources to Leonas if it can assist in relieving the pandemic on Panteras. However, since it seems that Leonas has the situation under control, we are open to proposals from our sibling moons on how the Karthan space fleet should be used, as in accordance with pt. 3 of the protocol.