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Thread: Legends of Arhade IC

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Legends of Arhade IC

    As the gates screeched open, Tarnus made sure to position himself in the middle of the group.

    "Get out of my way," he grunted, pushing to the front.

    This was, after all, going to be his battle, and though his "comrades" might manage to take down a few goblins, the glory was reserved for him. The light washed over him, casting a long, intimidating shadow that would have made him proud if he could have seen it.

    The goblins were easily in range. Reaching for his javelin, he soon grasped the familiar wooden shaft. He took a long look at the emperor (the crowd eats this stuff up), and his grip on the javelin tightened. No...too many guards, too many people. There'd be no way out. Stick to the goblins.

    He drew the javelin back in perfect form, and then let it fly.

    Just for kicks, how many guards are there? Perception:(d20)[20]
    And for the attack: (d20+4)[5]

    * post roll count doesn't match database
    Last edited by RoyaleWithCheez; 2008-06-26 at 10:37 PM.