
"Sure I can drive a cart," Jake answers. "On those switchbacks up the bluff, at night, with scared horses -- and an arrow sticking out of one of them? Not so sure."

He scans the milling crowd of onlookers again, then cups his hands to his mouth and shouts above the excited hubbub of conversation: "Has anyone gone to find this man a healer?"

((OOC: If it looks like a healer is on the way, Jake will ask for help moving the driver to the ground and making him comfortable. If not, he'll suggest detaching the unwounded horse from the cart, and sending one rider up the hill to the temple to bring back help. Even with the round trip, it should be faster than trying to maneuver the carriage up the bluff in the dark. He'll offer to go himself, or defer to anyone else who is a better rider.))

"Who attacked you, anyway -- and how far back?" he asks the carriage owner as they work on the agreed tasks. "Is the town in danger?"