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Thread: Legends of Arhade IC

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Legends of Arhade IC


    Damn fool is going to land his head on the chopping block, Groduk thinks to himself as he watches Theren out of the corner of his eye hum a patriotic tune from his homeland. But as long as its not my head its worth seeing that overstuffed 'Emperor' turn so red.

    "If you can get to the gate and hold down those enemies I would be more than happy to slip in and slit a few throats", he yells over the cacophony of battle to Anon as he thrusts his dagger at one of the charging goblins. Ducking and spinning away from his enemies, Groduk charges towards the gate, hoping to take cover from the sling fire by getting close enough to the wall.

    Attack Goblin in melee, then moves towards the wall, attacks of opportunity be damned. Make it a run action if that will get me to the wall this round.

    Piercing Strike
    Attack: Dex vs. Refl - (1d20+8)[16]

    Damage - (1d6+5)[8]
    Last edited by darkzucchini; 2008-06-30 at 11:17 PM.
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