
Aur spends the night before the main altar to Avandra, her mind awash with the possibilities of the coming travels. She ponders over the prophecy that brought this strange group of individuals together, and wonders for a moment what possible plan her goddess could have for such a strange and motley assortment of persons. She dismisses this thought as impious and settles back on the cool stone floor for a night of meditation and dreams.

Aur arises, refreshed, the next morning, and spends a full hour in prayer before Avandra's altar. She smiles as she feels the newly familiar radiance of Avandra course through her. Looking out of one of the temple windows to the east, she sees the first rays of dawn creeping over the rooftops of the town, and, with a small twinge of regret, leaves the temple and heads for the western gate. She stops briefly at a just-opening bakery to purchase some sweetbreads for breakfast, buying extra for any who might join her at the gate.