
Bal'Koth looks up from his crouch without expression as Leogaurd addresses him, pausing in the act of crumpling dried leaves and scraping together small twigs, then allows his gaze to pan to Melkor as he jumps in before the dragonborn can answer, claws now once again gathering detrius from the dirt.

"Ssparkss light no logss, axxe." he finally responds, though not unkindly. "Young flamess musst feed on ssmaller prey." He places his newly finished tinder ball in the ring of stones, and lines it with the tinest twigs in a cone rising to a point that leaves only a small gap on one side. Each layer of twigs becomes thicker, and he is soon reaching into the meager pile of firewood and snapping sticks to length. Before long the wooden structure rises well above his knee, twice as tall as it is wide, at which time he retrieves his own flint and steel. He begins a flurry of strikes, showering a curtain of sparks into the gap in the structure, which coat the dry, fluffy tinder and begin a tiny blaze. As the heat, trapped beneath the insulating wood, soaks into the thinnest materials, they reach the heat of fire and burst into flame. In moments, the voracious young fire sends licking tongues to twice the height of its fuel and causes the travellers to fall back from the heat, before the pyramid shifts and collapses inwards into a slower heart of bright warmth. A smile of genuine pleasure peels Bal'Koth's lips back from his fangs, before he adds "Asz to your ssugesstion..." with a turn away from the party, a sizzling crack and eruption of illumination fill the air as a bolt of white light joins the dragonborn's mouth and a nearby treestump, which is obliterated, sending lumps of rotting wood flying. An amused smirk seems to form as he turns back in search of shocked expressions.

With that, Bal'Koth nods at Aur's suggestion and steps softly away into the brush, returning periodically with various thicknessess of dry wood and breaking them to size.

you guys ever started a fire without a lighter/match? it's one of the most joyful experiences ever. I <3 my firebow.