Theren (Round 3)

Theren fires another two arrows in quick succession, then performs an unusual maneuver: he attempts to get atop the wall by leaping onto the rising gate and then from there to the top of the wall.

  1. Mark the gate goblin
  2. Twin Strike:
    1. First shot at the gate goblin
      • vs. AC - (1d20+6)[10]
      • damage - (1d10-1)[4]
      • hunter's quarry - (1d6)[2]
    2. Second shot at the same if still alive, if not then against the goblin near Morthos.
      • vs. AC - (1d20+6)[22] (-1 if not against the gate goblin)
      • damage - (1d10-1)[2]
      • hunter's quarry - (1d6)[1] (only if against the gate goblin)
  3. Move NW and jump... not sure how many of what kind of checks I'll need to make, so here's a few athletics and acrobatics checks, let me know if you need any more rolls
    1. Athletics
      • (1d20+5)[12]
      • (1d20+5)[11]
      • (1d20+5)[8]
    2. Acrobatics
      • (1d20+8)[22]
      • (1d20+8)[14]
      • (1d20+8)[15]