You all enter the town proper and are almost immediately surrounded by voices, people shouting to one another, deals, trades, buying, selling. As you walk down the street, you see that the buildings are made of the same stone as the walls of the town, but several of the buildings tower above the mark of the walls.

The buildings that do so are much more pock marked, where the sand and sandstorms have ravaged the buildings. As you continue towards the market area and the taverns, you pass by one building that catches all of your eyes. Adorned on the building is a symbol none of you recognize, it looks like a capital Y with a horizontal bar right below the split.

Ɏ, but move the bar lower.

But that isn't what caught your eye. What catches your eye is the gargantuan construct that is half-way in the building, and you can see several people climbing on it, working on it with odd tools. One even sits inside it, and if you get closer, the inside of it includes many flashing lights and other oddities.

Hmm, can we guess what it is? Or better yet, can we guess what universe I dropped you all in?