Eerie's song gets a few claps and several interested people looking at the troupe a little closer, but since the group seems to be going into a tavern, no one actually follows. Instead, they look above the town walls if they can to see the circus tent rising high.

You all pass near the market to enter into a tavern named "The Sandy Oasis." Stepping inside, you find the tavern to be of fair size, with about a dozen tables. Eight men dressed as guards are sitting at three of the tables, and about fifteen others sit at most of the others. There are two unoccupied tables, one near the bar and another about in the center of the room.

For the most part, every one of them is human. At a far table, there are three non-human looking people, but they don't look like any humanoid you've ever seen before. They look more like a were in hybrid form, but extrude none of the aura of strength even the weakest of weres have.