Quote Originally Posted by Sir Giacomo View Post
Yep, that's the major drawback. But dispelling needs targeting, and at those levels that can be often quite difficult

- Giacomo
I don't think it's as difficult as you say. There's a ton of ways to get Blindsight or other way to sense hiding creatures (hiding is generally subpar in 3.5, which I dislike). Tremorsense is also common, and hell, Detect Magic/Arcane Sight/Greater Arcane Sight won't reveal you, but it will reveal a magical aura, and the caster can always use Area Dispels.

I believe that in a standard wealth campaign, Giamonk is still difficult, because the GM will not necessarily give you exactly what you need. If you sell the loot, you'll only get half the value back, you see what I mean? Most GMs don't just hand over your wealth with pure gold.

I really *would* like the Giamonk if I knew with relative certainly that I will be getting enough LIQUID ASSETS to purchase what I want. But in my experience, you don't. That is not good for any character sure, but it screws over a lot more those characters that are highly item-dependent...like the Giamonk. This is also one of the reasons why Fighters suck as well.

In a high wealth, or even standard wealth but GM hands it all in GOLD to you and there are Magic Wal-Marts that has anything you want, then yeah...I think GIamonk can be fun and can work. And even then, you probably don't want to do this from level 1.