The ship is a light corsair flying a black flag with a gold stripe. It has likely been closing on the much larger but heavier Sea Lion all morning and now matches the Sea Lion's course and speed about 100 yards off to starboard.

A couple dozen marines (leather armor, cutlasses, heavy crossbows) stand in formation between two lines of rowers under the black triangular mainsail.

The captains of the two ships seem to be having an argument.

The passengers for the most part seem curious rather than concerned. Tiriel voices the question on everyone's mind, "I wonder what's going on?" Angela studies the black ship's markings. "Mulhorandi," she announces. The two fighters in plate mail escort the small girl out of the Lion's Mess.

You hear the captain of the black corsair shout, "We both know they are on board! Hand them over quietly and there will be no trouble!"