Visibly relaxing at the word censor, Alrikar utilized his years of practice at covering his ass, "Ah, well now I feel quite embarrassed. I assumed that you where another thief. You see, I was planning to slick the floor and send you falling 420 feet to your death. It wouldn't of worked against a censor, I'm certain, just as I am certain that you detected my true motive in that little gambit: to protect the lore of Atlantis. Now, I had been planning to give the book to my uncle, the 'Cogusr Tuft Bettct' guy, since at the time of my discovery of the book, he was the highest-ranking Mystagouge I knew to be available, but once you verify your claim I will be happy to give you the book and have my memories of it erased or replaced. After all, the book was marked specifically for you. Oh, and how could I have forgotten, the window. I hope that the Mysterium will be able to forgive my destructiveness."