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Thread: The Return of Shadow, D&D 3.5 homebrew

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Return of Shadow, D&D 3.5 homebrew

    Quote Originally Posted by Anna_Irving View Post
    Izu Viselle
    - Sorry, should’ve been more specific about the dwarf question. I also wanted to know what Izu would know about this particular injured dwarf.
    - Details: dwarf
    - Details: plate armor & warhammer
    - Details: map (Izu can read common & dwarvish)
    - Heal check? Spot? To attempt to learn more about his injury without actually poking & prodding. I assume it’ll be a heavily penalized Heal check as in CAdv 101?
    - Sense Motive on dwarf. I don’t know how you want to handle this, I could roll once for the entire conversation or roll for each piece of info. [roll0]

    1. Dwarf is unknown to you. Six days ago a small party of dwarves set out to the south-west, three left, and one was said to have returned.
    2. Armor is dwarven craft fullplate, the runes engraved on it indicate he is an elder son of his clan(IE an heir to the clan leader)
    3. Warhamer is is engraved, it is a hammer of Clouting and Flaming. a common design among dwarves of the iron hills.
    4. The map is of the area, the moutains to the south espicaly, there are large dots on it, most have an 'X' through them. it shows the name of teams, and their search area(s) Stoneforge, Ironweaver, Glorduum are just a few of teh names.(it seems to you the whole of the Iron Hill clans are scouring teh country side)
    5. dwarf is very injured, one leg was smashed and is being regrown.
    6. S.motive: he seem preoccupied with somthing else; something weighs heavily on his mind.
    Last edited by AjaxTorbin; 2008-07-31 at 01:27 AM.
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