Tharivol Siannodel, Summoner

A twitch of annoyance caused his right eye and ear to fidget as he subconsciously attempted to determine the cause of this strange feeling. He had wanted to examine the bow further and perhaps test its remarkable craftsmanship in conjunction with his elven grace once more but now he was simply annoyed. He nodded to the bowyer in thanks in the wake of the completed transaction and he himself heads outside. He pauses for a moment and snaps towards a mound of snow and ice which they begins to move! Shaking free a layer of frost something that appears to be a camel made entirely of the deepest blue ice wanders over to Tharivol and makes a strange lowing noise mixed with the cracking of ice. He scratches the ice camel upon the head and heads off to find the cause of this damnable sensation in his skull.

Conjure Ice Beast cast and extended to 24 hour duration last night before his period of rest.

Ice Camel
HP: 60
AC: 19
Attack: +0 Bite
Damage: 1d4+2
Special Attack: Swift Action each turn to project a cold aura, dealing 1d6 cold damage.