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Thread: Lords of Creation in the Playground IC

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Draken's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2007
    The Southern Wildlands

    Default Re: Lords of Creation in the Playground IC

    Eul stared down at the surroundings with the blue lights that were his eyes, hearing Klik'chak answer what he wanted to know before any question was made. Good.

    And he spoke, a echoing, whispered, bellow that rang like a blasphemy from beggining to end.

    "You are responsible for fewer souls wandering the void into my realm.

    Amensi. Is that it? I see...

    And Eul stared down at Lossethir, Teera and Kaern, the darkness that was his face ripped itself to reveal what seemed to be Xam's face, but skeletal and lifeless, before it reformed, allowing sight of nothing but a titanic smile with millions of razor teeth.

    "Young ones. Who I have never seen... And Kaern.

    And Klik'chak spoke again. Eul cared little for these words, he wanted to know what was happening, nothing else.


    The Deadlands are immense, and merely entering the place and speaking to the air, deity or not, avails nothing.

    Well, it avails a random ghoul hearing you, noticing you are not made of flesh and not paying any further attention.

    The wind blows in the wasteland. And Fiona should better find a settlement if she wants to meet with anything.
    Last edited by Draken; 2008-08-04 at 02:11 PM.

