Maybe after I've been to college and back I'll know as much trivia about satellites as you. That would be nice. Then again, gonna be an Actuary. At least I'll be good at math :P

Anyway, back to the topic.

I'm working with my DM on this, and still looking for ways to describe various features of it in ways that already exist in the game if possible. Also, I'm definitely considering getting like, a chaingun of sorts built around the sides of the main barrel, so that even if out of ammo for the big guns, it can still provide air support. Maybe create some kind of new round.

I know I considered making what amounts to a really crappy potion of dispel in the form of a fragile rod, loading it inside a bullet casing, and writing an explosive runes on the the inside of it. On impact, the little rod would break, fail utterly to dispel the runes, and they'd go off, doing some nice damage. The downside is that it requires a casting of a spell to create each and every bullet. But on the upside, I'm pretty sure you can get wands of Explosive Runes. I already talked to my DM about it, asked him how small of a surface I could write an explosive runes on, and he said yeah, I could easily write one onto say, the surface of a dime. It'd take a microscope to read it normally, but I could.

I like the idea of using the explosive runes bullets, even though I'm sure there's a million other ways to do it. Someone else probably already knows where to find rules for making a fireball item that goes off on impact that I could use as shells :P