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Thread: The Black Stairs IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Apr 2006

    Default Re: The Black Stairs IC

    Feeling that she should save a little bit of her magic just in case there was something more dangerous lurking, Sibyl frowns and looks around, trying to locate anything out of the ordinary in case there was a trap. As she looks around over the various lights of the scene, she gets an idea, grins, and casts a spell. Four eerie orbs of light appear, and Sibyl points towards the remaining clump of ghouls and speaks an order.
    "Kill them."
    The orbs begin closing in with frightening quickness.

    Okay, so Sibyl is just trying to mess with people's heads here. She cast Dancing Lights to summon, and I quote:
    Four glowing spheres of light (which look like will-o’-wisps)
    Figuring that they realize she is a spellcaster from what she has already done, she's faking that she summoned four will-o'-wisps and is essentially ordering them to kill the ghouls (who would stand no chance against such creatures).

    In reality, she's sending dancing lights at them.
    So here is a bluff check:
    And because of the situation, an intimidate check might also be in order:
    1d20 5=19
    It may not be necessary, but I thought just in case.
    I'm just trying to get them to run.

    Now, another DC 17 save for the luminous ghoul...
    Damage: 1d6=6
    Last edited by AmberVael; 2008-08-05 at 06:14 PM.