After a minute or two of experimentation, Aeroz finds himself able to control his altitude as he drifts slowly upward and downward. After a few minutes, however, the magic wears off and he gently descends to the ground.

Sedryn looks chagrined at having mis-identified the magical aura of the bracelet the first time around, but fortunately no harm was done.

Miles estimates that it will take about 4 hours to reach Urve in the morning. He then closes his eyes to rest up until sunrise.


As dawn breaks, Sheyra rekindles the fire in preparation for a light breakfast.

Corwyn awakens ravenous again, but as he eats another double set of rations, he begins to look uncomfortable. He clutches his stomach and leans over gagging. He retches twice, and vomits on the ground. Always observant, Aeroz spots a glint of gold in the emesis.