Okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay

This isn't dead! This isn't dead! This isn't dead! This isn't dead!

I'm just in a state of flux. I'm going back to school - which is one thing. On another level, I spent a while looking for apartments - and due to a crazy set of circumstances, didn't. I also couldn't get a single in the dorms this year - which is okay. My university's not too bad.

BUT - but I'll still be having the game. Just... we're not dead! I have a campaign, and numbers - ARGH!

Okay, a few things. Number one, although the story arc you're in will last 4 more sessions or so, after that, I realized I don't like writing horror as much as I did when I started this up.

But it'll still be the darker, more atmospheric side of Eberron.
If you still have any interest in this at all, leave a post. I promise you, after I move in on Friday the 14th, things'll get back on track. I know the drill. I have a computer, and wireless. I just need you guys.

On an unrelated note, I'm from the year 1902.