Seeing the portal warp shut behind him, Jacob started to become worried. "Well great, now we're stuck in here! Who's bright idea was it to step through a portal we had no idea about anyway?" he ranted, completely oblivious to the fact that he was the first to go through. However, his anger was short lived as he realised that the first thing they should do is find an exit from the room. As Aresk had failed to find anything, it seemed that there must've been another way to get out.

Remembering the voice's words, he looked inside the pouch he had found at the same time as the disk which had gotten them into this mess and reached inside to pull out the bone handled chisel he had found in it earlier. He was annoyed at how everyone else seemed to be getting elaborate items and he was stuck with some ancient tool, but he figured now wasn't the time. Doing the only thing he could do, he started tapping the chisel against the various objects in the room to see if anything would happen. If nothing did, he'd set it down on the table and try to think of a new plan.

Also, still waiting on that appraise check