
As he entered the... was austere the right word?... hall, Tetsuo was concentrating on the questions he had for the Kage. The other team got a cursory glance, with a smile and nod, but were hardly afforded the full extent of his concentration, though he took note, disapprovingly, of the crow clan genin's... unsavoury smile at Michiko. But he couldn't worry about it at the moment. There were too many details, too little information to make a proper decision. So many loose ends, and not a thread to be seen. He ran a hand through his hair, and got about halfway before the other team's jounin spoke up.

Unbidden a grin broke over his face as Tetsuo dropped his hand. "Gawa!" he grinned, as he walked over. "How are you? So, this is your team, is it?" Tetsuo cast another look over them, taking stock of them. "Need me to do you a group portrait?" he chuckled. "How was your mission? Uneventful as always, I assume?" The easy smile that was on Rio's face was one of friendship and familiarity. It was apparent that the two were friends, and Tetsuo was distracted from his pressing concerns and questions for the debriefing- for now.