Wheee! Played a three-way objective game yesterday. And I think we're getting pretty close to actually playing by the rules!

Tau vs. Tyranids vs. SMs. We had an objective, and random game length.

Tyranids had it for the beginning, and due to that, SMs and I teamed up. (unspoken alliance) which I proceeded to break, once the SMs had wrested it from tyranid control.

Tau accuracy is seriously depressing, but the weapon strength is most satisfying, especially vs. Nids. (S5, T3. Wounds on 2+, I think.) Further, even SMs can't stand up to the withering hails of fire that my 12-unit pulse rifle squad can put down.

I proceeded to turn on the SMs, gun them down around the objective, and move in to capture it, before rolling 'game end' result on turn six.

Question: Can I shoot into a melee if none of the units are mine? (nids vs. SMs?)