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Thread: Ziggurat of Imira: Team Two[IC]

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ziggurat of Imira: Team Two[IC]

    As Boil enters he passes through a narrow hallway, at the end a large bronze door. It seems thick and heavily reinforced but the steam drifting out from the tiny cracks under it allude to it being the engine room. Examining the door-

    You are interrupted. Two large aquatic dwarves carrying a large wooden crate are laughing as their muslces bulge from carrying the box.

    "Har har an then tha lass said, 'Ain't tha jus dandy.'"

    "I bet she was furious with ya, no?"

    "Lass was steaming worse than this here engine ya hear. Har har-and who are you?"
    Last edited by Faithless; 2008-08-22 at 01:36 AM.