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Thread: Ziggurat of Imira: Team Two[IC]

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ziggurat of Imira: Team Two[IC]


    At the sound of these words, Boil's head seems to tilt downwards slightly, as if in shame. My apologies, I can't. He brings the spear out from under his cloak, it stands perpendicular from the ground. The hand that holds it stands as rigid as its owner, until the two middle fingers start raising. They alone move away and back to the spear, the other two, as well as the thumb, remain at their place, as if jammed.

    "I heard that the Steam Engine was going to be fixed, I hoped that the fixer could also see my hand." He stops, as if finished. But once again, a small nagging thought tells him he should add something. "And my name is Boil, not "metal man""
    Last edited by Ryuuk; 2008-08-22 at 07:19 AM.
    Will be edited by Ryuuk : Sometime in the future.