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Thread: Ziggurat of Imira: Team Two[IC]

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Ziggurat of Imira: Team Two[IC]

    The door cranks open, it's obviously heavy as the halfling pushes it open. Behind it you see large bronze tanks and pipes running into the floor and ceiling. There are large machines with gauges covering thier surface, steam rushing through the cracks. In a corner you see some Darfellan pressing their hands against an opening where a pipe should be.

    "Bring in those parts." says the halfling, cackling.

    The dwarves toss the crate down and the lid shakes off. Pieces of iron rush out of the box, and you make out a face among it. A warforged face.

    On the side of the box it reads in those blocky black letters.


    * * *

    The ship functions on both a combination of magic and dwarven machinery. Steam engines are a fairly new invention, because they pale in comparison to more advanced magic, however, cost-wise, they are extremely efficient. Only mechanical failures as upkeep, no reliance on manpower or wind, and they can continue without stopping. In theory. Still early in it's progression(And prone to malfunction) they have not been widely spread yet.

    Simple glyphs of heat metal align metal tanks of water. As the water evaporates as steam the energy is harnessed and used to propel the ship. The water cools down and is pumped back into the tanks.
    Last edited by Faithless; 2008-08-22 at 02:25 PM.