Wraith - I've considered the alternative, but the (cliffnotes-style) backstory behind my Chaos Space Marine force is that they were a Black Templar crusade who had bitten off more than they could chew and it took a huge toll on their numbers. In the their last stand, the Templar's leader took it upon himself to claim a blade of supreme power in order to defeat the enemy. Little did he know that the weapon he wielded was a Daemon Weapon, which slowly began to whisper to him...

Basically, I wanted to do a different take on Chaos. Rather then create a generic competitive list and build the background around it, I did the fluff first. I wanted a gray shade of Chaos to contrast the grays of the Imperium, the Eldar and so on. The emphasis is that Chaos is not always in your face with a chainaxe and screaming daemons. Sometimes Chaos is an actual reasonable, righteous cause.