Quote Originally Posted by Zeku View Post
Here's my question, this is something that kind of burns in the back of my mind every time I read this comic, and it drives me crazy. Setting aside for the moment, our belief that Parson is cool, or that he is literally 'good at turn-based games,' ie, 'the perfect warlord,' then what exactly is it that makes anyone (such as Charlie or Maggie) believe that he is good for anything?
Easy. Maggie lives her life by magic and places absolute trust in it. Parson was summoned by a spell intended to summon the perfect warlord, therefore he is the perfect warlord. Period. (And, more simply, she might suspect that they're screwed even with Parson's mind... but she knows they're screwed without it. Therefore, his mind is their best weapon; it's the only factor that can turn their fate around. Also... even more simply. She's presumably been with him during most strategy sessions. Unlike us, she probably knows what he's planning to do to Ansom. She might be basing her judgment off of that.)

Charlie is just interested in the mathemancy artifact. Parson holds some interest as an odd, unique unit, and the battle odds are intriguing, but beyond that he's probably just flattering Parson; it costs him nothing to do so, after all.