

Causes: Foreign Objects, Other

Pairups: Broken bones, Foreign object,

Above 0 HP: -10 Vitals
Bellow 0 HP: -30 Vitals

Step One: First incision (If internal hemoraging)
Step two: Drain the blood, Dc 14 (1 standard action)
Step three: Cut open blood pocket, Dc 12 (Move action)
Step four: Drain blood pocket, Dc 14 (1 standard action)
Step Five: Thread the Blood pocket, Dc 16 (One full round actions)
Step Six: Clamp the First incision, Dc12 (Full round action) (If internal)
Step seven: Thread the first incision,Dc 14(Two full round actions)(If Internal)
Step Eight: Bandage the wound, Dc 10 (full round action) (If Internal)

Step One Fail: -5 Vitals
Step two fail: -2 Vitals, Spend another standard action to drain the blood
Step three fail: -3 Vitals
Step four fail: -2 Vitals, Spend another standard action to drain the blood
Step five fail: -3 vitals
step six fail: -8 Vitals
step seven fail: -6 Vitals
step eight fail: -0 Vitals

Road to recover: 1 day, no serious effects

If left untreated: Infection, 1d4 temporary con damage per day

Possible Infections or Complications: Parasite