Over 48-hour repost.

I'd like a few banner sigtars using some of my previously mentioned Five Man Bands. One of them should include all the Good-ish Five Man Bands with the Saviors standing out front while flanked by Hallow Darkness and The Hard Ones with Granny's Gang to the back and on one side. Each Band's members are standing huddled together. Something like this.
Adam Young is dressed in medium-gray formal clothes with black shinny shoes. He has blond hair and blue-green eyes. He's handing Aerith a flower.

The Saviors
The Hero: Immortal Emperor of Mankind (Warhammer 40,000). He launched the Great Crusade to liberate humanity from both their human and alien oppressors and to unite Mankind as one. As the incarnation of all of humanity's (on his Earth) Shamans, the Emperor is among the most psychicly powerful creatures in his universe. He held back the forces of Chaos with his might, the Imperial Guard, the Space Marines and his own clones/sons the Primarchs. Sadly he was betrayed and mortally wounded by his Warmaster and one of his twenty sons, Primarch Horus and his Empire turned into an oppressive theocracy. Now all anyone else has to do his break into the Emperor's Throne Room and heal him back to health. Doesn't sound that hard, right? It's harder than that.

The Lancer: Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach). Half-Hallow Soul Reaper. Saved his friend Rukia from an unjust, albeit perfectly legal execution, knowing it could cost him his own life.

The Big Guy: Captain Carrot Ironfounderson (Discworld). He's one of the most noble and purest members of Anhk-Morpork's Night Watch. That and he drove a sword through a fully grown man and a stone pillar.

The Smart Guy: The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who). A complete and utter genius and the savior of mankind on numerious occaisions. Slightly eccentric and likes sweets.

The (Staff) Chick: Aerith Gainsborough (FF VII). She's reasonably intelligent, kindhearted, independent minded and the only Final Fantasy Staff Chick that can pull her proverbial weight and isn't annoying. She's dead, but with the Hallowed Darkness group, The Hard Ones (Klaus in particular) and Granny's Gang these guys might would be able to fix that. They might be able to bring back more people while they're at it.

The Sixth Ranger: Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius). Only known living heir to the Heterodyne dynasty and potent Spark (read as mad scientist) in her own right. Tough beautiful, highly intelligent and very good at violence when needed. As heir to the Heterodynes, Agatha is her world's best hope to return to the glory days of the Heterodyne Boys, when Europe was peacefully ruled by her father Bill and her uncle Barry. Both Heterodyne Boys were (or still are) heroic mad scientsts. Mad science just runs in her family and on both sides.

The Mentor: Death (Discworld). How many times did this guy put his own existance at risk to save the world and individual people? Five times I think. He'd make a great mentor for Ichigo, Aerith and Aang.

The Tag Along Kid: Avatar Aang (Avatar: the Last Airbender). Seemingly the only bender capable of mastering all four classical elements, it falls to Aang to maintain their ballance. But more importantly, Aang has a moral responsibility to protect the innocent from harm. For that reason, Aang joined the rest of the Saviors.

The Team Pets: Binky (Death's horse) (Discworld), the Grim Squeaker (Death of Rats) (Discworld), the TARDIS (Doctor Who), Emperor Krosp I (Girl Genius) and Appa and Momo (Avatar: the Last Airbender).

Hallowed Darkness
The Hero: The Shadow (the Shadow radio broadcasts and pulps). Well trained in stealth and versed in the same tactics as the criminals he fights he is a terror to unjust. In addition the Shadow has the power to project his voice using a supernaturally enhanced form of ventriloquism and render himself invisible by clouding his enemies minds. That and his laugh.

The Lancer: Batman (Batman). He's a genius who pushed himself to achieve mental and physical perfection. Mister Wayne is a master of stealth and as he says, "Criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot."

The Big Guy: Hellboy (Hellboy). Big, red and physically powerful, Hellboy is a force to be reckoned with. Born to unleash the Ogdru Jahad, Hellboy has turned away from his unholy destiny to defend humanity. His true name is Anung un Rama meaning "Red Hand of Doom".

The Smart Guy/Chick: Doctor Byron Orpheus (Venture Brothers). He's a supremely moral man and a master necromancer to boot. What's not to like about him? While I know Doctor Orpheus is male he fits the role of the Chick better than Raven. Much better in fact.

The Action Girl: Raven (Teen Titans). She tough, rather smart and is capable of manipulating shadow and darkness as a weapon, for defense and as a means of telekenisis. Okay, she can heal too, but that's not her main function. Raven was born to unleash Hell upon Earth, but turned away from path.

The Sixth Ranger: Vinny Doombats (Erfworld). Unambigiously good, highly moral, loyal to his friends and seeks only to protect the innocent from harm. Sadly one of his friends (not included in this band) is a selfrighteous megolomanic with a short temper and an unwillingness to listen to and take advice. Also, Vinny is a vampire. Just try to top that.

The Tag Along Kid: Adam Young (Good Omens). Bright, cheerful, extroverted, charismatic, kind, compassionate and merciful towards all, Adam Young is the ideal child. He's an eleven year-old boy with golden-blond hair and warm friendly eyes. He can protect any small town to large city that he becomes attached to. In addition Adam can increase speed of plant growth as well as the size of plants.

What's so dark about him, you say? He's the intended Anti-Christ. He could get along with Aerith though. He wouldn't like any of the Ravagers, especially Xykon and Sephy boy. He'd dislike the Purifiers too. His titles are The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of this World, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan and Lord of Darkness. He's a really nice kid though.

The Team Pet: Dog (Good Omens). Adam Young's pet hellhound.

The Hard Ones
The Hero: Night Watch Commander Samuel Vimes (Discworld). Tough, principled, scary as hell and skilled at fighting dirty. He was possessed by the Summoning Dark and either drove it out or destroyed it through sheer force of will.

The Lancer: Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden (Harry Dresden novels). While Vimes is known for his strong dislike of magic he does have a good relationship with wizards. He’d really get along rather well with Dresden then. Harry Dresden is a wizard P.I. with a strong sense of morality, great skill in magic (including Hellfire and Soulfire) and non-magical combat, especially with guns. Harry also possess the same detective skills as Sam Vimes does. He also has the archangel Uriel backing him up. Also, at one point Harry necromanticaly animated Sue (the T-Rex skeleton in the Chicago Museum of Natural History) and rode it out against an army of necromancers and the undead. I wonder what Xykon and Sephy boy would have to say about that.

The Big Guy: John McLane (Die Hard movies). Do I really need to go into any further detail on this guy? He shot and killed one his of main enemies while he was that man’s prisoner. In fact, McLane shot through his own shoulder to kill the bad guy, while he was still tied up. He also took out a helicopter with a car when he ran out of bullets and killed a highly skilled martial artist with the same car.

The Big Guy #2: Toph Bei Fong (Avatar: the Last Airbender). At the young age of 12, Toph mastered earthbending in spite of her over protective parents by learning from the Badgermoles. She defeated such big name Earth Rumble stars as the Boulder and achieved a win-loss record of 42-0. Toph also invented metalbending by manipulating the impurities in metal. Oh, Toph is also blind. And she's a little girl no taller than 4'6".

The Smart Guy: Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (Girl Genius). Klaus’s chief benefit to this part would be his knowledge of science and his ability invent new devices and massively improve upon the technological works of others. In addition, Klaus is a tremendously skilled fighter who marches out to battle with his troops any time he has the chance. This is true even when he’s almost entirely paralyzed. He brings Castle Wulfenbach with him.

The Action Girl: Tifa Lockhart (FF VII). Very strong and highly trained martial artist. During an adrenaline fueled rage Tifa once wrestled Spehiroth’s sword (named Masumane) and tried to cut his head off with it after the pretty boy psycho murdered her friend Aerith. Pair her up with Toph and watch Sephy boy go down like a ton of bricks.

Sixth Ranger: Captain Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly and Serenity). Former solder against the Allience and currently a smugler Mal has a working understanding the criminalmind , his own and others. He's a skilled combatant (but not in a fist fight), especially with guns and possesses a good understanding of standard infantry tactics, which is why he makes up his own. He brings along the Serenity and its remaining crew (Innara Sera, Kaylee, Simon Tam, River Tam, Zoe and Jayne).

Granny's Gang
The Hero: Granny Esmerelda Weatherwax (Discworld). Chief witch of Lancre’s main coven, Granny fought off elves and vampires to maintain the security of her birth country. She uses magic (in small amounts), psychology, dirty tricks and whatever the hell she can pick up to combat supernatural baddies, like Discworld elves.

The Lancer: Katara (Avatar: the Last Airbender). 14 year-old master waterbender and skilled combatant in her own right. Katata can also control and manipulate water temperature, allowing her to produce ice or boil water. She also learned how to heal with waterbending and can bring people back from the brink of death. Her signature waterbending attack is the dual whip technique.

The Big Guy: Zeetha (Girl Genius). Highly skilled warrior princess and master of both armed and unarmed combat. Her two primary weapons are katar-like swords and she can knock out a raging bull with a single well-aimed punch.

The Smart Guy: Gilgamesh Wulfenbach (Girl Genius). Klaus’s son and fellow Spark, Gil is particularly gifted with designing and building clanks and electricity generators such as the generators around Mechanisburg and his lightning staff. Like his father, Gilgamesh is also an accomplished warrior and leader of troops, which he can bring to this team. He's probably the only one in this team who really knows how to cook well. He’s the token male of this group.

The Action Girl: Sergeant Delphine Angua von Uberwald (Discworld). First female and sole werewolf member of the Ankh Morpork Night Watch. Good for combat in either form and a brilliant tracker. She’s very good at search and rescue work. When in lethal combat Angua always goes for the throat.

The Team Pet: You (Discworld). Granny Weatherwax's white kitten. She once chased off Nanny Gynthia Ogg’s cat Greebo.

The second banner should have The Saviors and Hard Ones teams running into The Ravagers and The Conquerers complete with a Sephiroth-Davros Luke I Am Your Father moment. Davros is telling the truth.

The Ravagers
The Big Bad: Xykon (Order of the Stick. Need I say more? I supose not. He commits horrific acts of cruelty and brutality while on his way to conquering his own world. Just because it's "badass".

The Dragon: Sephiroth (FF VII). Criminally insane genius (though not as smart as his fanboys and fangirls think he is), super solder, with great magical power and a rediculously huge katana. Sephiorth is an utter psychopath and is delusional enough to think of Jenova as his mother. He actually believes that he is the last of the Cetra, even though he murdered the real last Cetra, Aerith Gainsborough. He should have his pretty boy face introduced to the business end of a sledgehammer.

The Brute: The Kurgan (Highlander). A ruthless and brutal warrior from Eastern Russia, off the coast of the Caspian Sea, the Kurgan is well trained and savage combatant. Around 3,000 years-old, the Kurgan served as a Persian mercenary in their wars with the ancient Greek city states.

His immortal side was awoken by his own father, who crushed the Kurgan's skull in with a rock while drunk. The Kurgan recovered, heated said rock and force fed it to his father. His hobbies are rape, pillage, despoiling holy sites, playing chicken with unsuspecting drivers, running over pedestrians and forcing dogs and children to fight to the death for a bit of raw meat.

The Evil Scientist: Fabius Bile (Warhammer 40,000). A demon worshipping mad scientst who wears a lab coat made from human flesh. He created the Noise Marines.

The Dark Action Girl: Bangladesh DuPree (Girl Genius). An ex-air pirate who's hobbies include torture, maiming and murder. Her ultimate goal is to regain control of her family's empire and punish those who betrayed her mother. Will do her best to ingore any order that doesn't increase the odds of her killing someone else.

The Sixth Ranger: The Joker (Dark Knight Trilogy). Vicsous, brutal and in possession of a genius level IQ, the Joker is master of psychological warfare. He's fond of explosives and guns but prefers knives, saying, "Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all of the…little…emotions. You see, in their…last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way... I knew your friends better than you ever did. [pause] Would you like to know which of them were cowards?" That and the Joker's the kind of guy to keep a rocket launcher on hand just in case.

The Mentor: Randall Flagg (The Stand and various other Steven King novels). He can kill birds and give men prostrate cancer by just smiling at them. Flagg can also kill a human sized enemy by making an inverted sign of the cross at them. Oh, and he's an Anti-Christ figure. Isn't it obvious?

The Conquerers
The Big Bad: Mister Saxon A.K.A. Master No. Six (Doctor Who). This guy wormed his way into the Brittish government after the fall of PM Harriet Jones as the Defense Minister and married Lucy Cole after she met him during a book signing for his autobiography, even though he just got to Earth. Then, using his office as the Brittish Minster of Defense, the Master set up the Archangel network obstensibly to provide for easy internet and cell phone use for the world, chiefly for the UK.

The Master then used the Archangel network to sway the electoret and won office as Prime Minister of the UK. He then gassed his own Parliament to death, conquered the world using his Toclofane and ordered them to kill 600,000,000 people, while he and his wife danced to Voodoo Child. He also plotted this mass murder of his while watching the Teletubbies.

The Dragon: Prince Vlad Dracula (real life). Warrior prince of Walachia in Romania, Vlad ruled with an iron fist and 15 foot stakes that he impailed his enemies and their families upon. When he first rose to power Vlad executed the boyars for betraying his father and to consolidate power, then he enslaved their families and worked them to death building Castle Poenari.

He also invited Walaciha's poor and sick to a banquet then asked them if they would like it if their prince releived burdens and suffering. They said yes, so Vlad left the banquet hall, boarded it up, then had it set on fire claiming, "I did this so that no one will be poor in my realm."

The Brute: Grand Admiral Thrawn (Star Wars expanded universe). Admiral Thrawn is both a millitary genious and an expert in art and culture. He uses his studies of his enemies art and general culture to determine their basic psychology and turn it against them or use that knowledge to defend his own troops in battle or crush his enemies. Thrawn's a Brute, but he's a very smart one.

The Evil Scientist: Davros (Doctor Who). Creator of the Dalek race and master of genetic engineering, Davros is a perfect asset to this team. Ruthless, brutal and highly intelligent, Davros is a force to be reckoned with. Don't let his wheelchair-like device fool you.

The Dark Action Girl: Princess Azula (Avatar: the Last Airbender). Princess Azula conquered Ba Sing Se using treachery and deceit, yet without explicity lying. She killed, albeit temporarily, Avatar Aang, captured three Kyoshi warriors, including Suki, with Mai and Ty Lee (even though they aren't working with her any more) and scared Long Feng into surrendering. She's a lethal combatant and Hell on two legs.

The Sixth Ranger: Jonathan Teatime (Hogfather a Discworld novel). Master Assassin who has studied various imaginary creatures since childhood, with the intent to kill them. His targets included the Tooth Fairy, the Hogfather, the Soul Cake Tuesday Duck and Death. In fact, Teatime could have killed Death if he hadn't monologued long enough to get Susan Sto Helit's famed monster slaying fireplace poker chucked straight into his stomach!

The Mentor: Lucrezia Mongfish Heterodyne A.K.A. the Other (Girl Genius). Daughter to the late Lucifer Mongfish, wife of the missing William Heterodyne and mother to Agatha, Lucrezia Mongfish is a powerful Spark and deadly foe. After being temporarily redeemed by the Heterodyne boys' Lucrezia drugged her former lover and friend of the Heterodyne boys' Klaus Wulfenbach, shipped him off to parts unknown, married William Heterodyne, gave birth to both Barry Klaus Heterodyne (whom she killed in attacking Castle Heterodyne) and Agatha, attacked Castle Heterodyne and murdered her own father while storming her husband's castle.

Lucrezia also faked her own kidnapping and sent her husband and his brother Barry on a wild goose chase, trying to rescue her. She was only stopped in her bid for world domination by Baron Klaus Wulfenbach himself when he conquered Europa.

Does anyone need reference pictures for any of these characters? If so I'll post them.