Feed me all night long

To Colorado: Nice work on the check. You haven't seen much like this before, but you recognize that the spine being fired out of the plant is not natural in its species. It does exist in some species of porcupine however, and you notice that the spine's shape even looks similar to a porcupine's spine.

To Kurt: Ties go to the player, congrats.

Mable loudly explains her effectiveness to everyone involved, as a bullet flies out and moves in to a nice little home in the plant's head. You notice that the plant's thick exterior blunts a bit of the damage though--like it might have damage reduction in addition to its natural armor bonus. Like DR 2 or something.

The vine currently grappling Flint does its darndest to hurt the hero, but Flint has decided to stop pretending to be something other than an invincible man-shaped brick. Vine the Second triest to slap itself up a piece of prospector, but Trainwhistle shows that his fancy footwork doesn't stop on the dance floor and nimbly dodges the attack.

Vine 1
Attack Roll: 6 + -1 = 5

Vine 2
Attack Roll: 9 + 3 = 12

Trainwhistle and Flint are go!

(Out of curiosity, does Trainwhistle have the standard issue prospector voice?)