DISCLAIMER: This thread should not be taken completely seriously. Unless I'm actually right of course, then this disclaimer should not be taken seriously.

I haven't seen this theory in the year or so that I've been reading OotS, although it may have got lost amongst the other V is male/female/therkla etc threads.

V's height and weight are printed on its application form in On the Origins of PCs. They are (Origins info spoilered because I think there's a rule about it):
Height- 151 cm
Weight- 39kg

Translated into imperial, these are:
Height- 59 inches (4ft 11)
Weight- 86 lbs

Using http://www.d20srd.org/srd/description.htm...

If V was male, his base height would be 4ft 5. A roll of 6 would give 4ft11. However, his weight would then have to be 85+6d6 which cannot total 86

If V was female, here base height would also be 4ft 5. However, a roll of 6 would give her a weight of 80+6d6. A roll of 1 would give 86 pounds.
Coincidence? Probably but I like this theory.