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Thread: Ancient Campaign

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Gorgondantess's Avatar

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    Aug 2008
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    Default Re: Ancient Campaign

    You travel west for over a week through the vast, endless plains, following the drying river. The grasses crunch underfoot, and the further you go out, the dryer and more desolate it gets. After the 3rd day of travel, you see that the river has no flowing water, and you go back to fill some waterskins; after the 5th, there is only a long, running gouge in the land to show that a river was ever there. The land looks like the waste to the north and south of the village. After about a day, however, you start seeing shrubs again; and after some more time, grasses appear, at first in patches, but then you come across an endless field, desolate as far as you can see- almost. In the distance there is a great, craggy, snow- topped mountain, and at the base you can see a swath of green, fertile land, but it looks about 2 days' march from here. As you stand there, it starts to rain, but just a light drizzle. You have traveled about 10 days, and you have just enough food and water to get back to the village if you go now, and find some game along the way.
    Last edited by Gorgondantess; 2008-09-06 at 09:02 PM.
    Marceline Abadeer by Gnomish Wanderer