Others have probably already pointed this out a couple weeks ago, when Charlie first showed up at GK with a bunch of Archons, but it's looking like Parson's more and more likely to get out from under Stanley's control.

It looks like:
1) Stanley will either croak or sneak past the blockade, and then he'll form a new capital city in FAQ.
2) Parson's going to beat down the attacking army probably clearing the tunnels this turn. After that he may raise as many undead as Wanda can manage in a day, then end turn with everyone on the walls to hold them. Thereby delivering a nasty blow to the coalition, and putting himself in the optimal defensive position for the enemies remaining. Hopefully this allows him to retain the city for another turn after Ansom counter attacks.
3) Eventually Ansom's Coalition won't be a threat to the city. Either the coalition breaks up under the predictable stress, or Parson defeats enough of them. In any case at that point, Charlie becomes the biggest threat to the city, and Parson will be forced to surrender himself to Charlie in exchange for Charlie not taking the city.

Personally I'm hoping to see Parson fight with his new sword. He's got a "full day's supply of Luckamancy" and that sword which privides leadership and combat bonuses. I expect that if he personally participated in much of the fighting, he'd be able to level and increase his leadership a bit. You can imagine the synergy of him leveling a few steps and his leadership bonus that applies to all the capital forces increasing. That makes it easier for him to direct successful battles, and continue going up levels.

Also I'm really liking it when we get multiple updates per week. The level of Buzz around hear really picks up when that happens.