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Thread: 121 The Battle for Gobwin Knob, Page 109

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: 121 The Battle for Gobwin Knob, Page 109

    Regular stacks attack when in contact if there are no warlords in the stack, even if there are warlords in the same hex. Parson being in GK doesn't change the fact that when stacks see eachother they must attack.

    I agree with the posters assuming that there must be a tactical grid inside the hex which defines what is contact and non-contact between units. On the other hand there is the question of the size limit (both in area and number of units) for a stack. Erfworld hexes are huge, and for some reason Webinar had to break his army into stacks.

    People have been talking about Webinar blaming Ansom for losing the battle. Marbit scouts had seen a crap golem, so it's possible Ansom knows GK has a dirtamancer. He should be expecting the traps. But not the bonus to the golems and probably not the collapsing of select tunnels, for those require the caster to be in the battle front. Webinar can not fault Ansom for something he also didn't think about.

    Besides, if anything happens the blame lies with Webinar. The spreading of the army is wise, to minimize the effect of collapses and traps. Keeping the bulk of the army far from the entry in the city during the enemy's turn is also wise. But leading the main stack in blind pursuit is foolish. He could easily break a smaller stack (still with enough strength to kill anything sent by GK) and send it after the scout.

    It seems the only guy in Erfworld with a cool enough mind to face Parson is Vinny.
    Last edited by teratorn; 2008-09-13 at 07:22 PM.
    Avatar: ruthless Parson (Erfworld).