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    Ettin in the Playground
    Mordokai's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: RAF Classic VII - Into the Black [Mods, Please move to Structured ; Recruiting]

    Just make damn sure to empty your PM box before the game starts, or you're in for a heap of trouble I should know, I've ran one of these.
    Last edited by Mordokai; 2008-09-14 at 07:39 AM.
    Adrie, half elven bard. Drawing by Vulion, avatar by CheesePirate. Colored version by Callos_DeTerran. Thanks a lot, you guys.
    This place is not a place of honor…no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here.
    "There will come a day so dark you will pray for death. On that day your prayers will be answered."
    Book of shadows, book of night, wake the beast and banish light.