
While Stockard sits on the ground trying to deal with being hit, battle continues around him.

In quick succession, Tori, Smelkie and Amd all take aim at their undead foe. Unfortunately for the party Tori misses with his swings, though Smelkie and Amd don't, respectively hitting it with a bolt in the skull and a magic missile in the chest, making the skeleton stagger backward for a moment.

The skeleton quickly recovers though and the vile creature takes advantage of Tori's poorly aimed swings by ducking under them and swinging his sword into Tori's lower leftside.
Bleeding profusely from his cut, Tori gathers all his might in his next attack, hitting the skeleton with such might it's bones scatter all over the place.

Adrenaline coursing through all of your veins, you stand there, surrounded by bones, bloodstains covering the steps of the stairs...

Quick summary of the battle: Tori and Stockard both got 1 hit on them, coincidentally both for 8 damage. Please note this one your character sheet guys (under current hitpoints). Amd used Acid Splash and Magic Missile. Smelkie shot 2 bolts.
As for XP: I'm not giving XP for every single encounter, rather I will let it add up and at certain points I will give players the XP they have earned up to that point.
As for looting, you guys already looted these skeletons remember? :P