The color drains from Rilian's face as he sees the wounded arm. "Gods! I should have been there!" His eyes are wide with worry as he looks over the wound. "I'm sorry you got hurt. if I hadn't been so worried about what Ghelve thought of me... Is everyone else ok? I should have been in there to help!" He felt immensely guilty. He'd failed someone, and it left a bitter taste in his mouth. he doesn't realize that that was one of the first times he'd spoken in the past few weeks without stuttering.

He reached back and pulled the hood up on his secondhand cloak. The white of it was so grubby it had turned to a dark, gritty gray. He felt an odd sort of determination stirring in him. It wasn't right: this was supposed to be his new beginning. He shouldn't have been so nervous about someone who he barely knew, just because they had rejected him. Walking forward, Rilian opened the front door.

Stepping into the shop, he deliberately avoided making eye contact with anyone. He didn't deserve to. Not until he had earned it. "Erica t-told me what h-happened. I-i'm ready to go whenever you a-all are."