One line from this comic which I'm surprised no one else has bothered to pick up on/speculate about:
Get Wanda ready
Get Wanda ready for what exactly? It seems to me that this statement from PG is a reaction to Sizemore's news, just as his decision to send in the knights is.
*So* what is he up to? If his command *is* a reaction to what's happening in the tunnels then my first guess is that, as well as sending in the knights, he's also going to send Wanda down to the tunnels to uncroak some Jetstone units, so that Sizemore has a better chance of winning that crucial encounter. As a gamer it makes sense to me as that's the only active theatre (zone) at the moment, *but* we've had no indication that this is part of the plan. All we know is that PG's plan "needs" Wanda this turn. Up 'til now the assumption (on my part at least) was that was to do with his newly uncroaked airforce.
Of course that nugget came (IIRC) before Charlie showed up in GK's airspace with enough Archons to take the garrison, & I'd be surprised if Wanda's airforce was enough to drive them off. So that leaves the question, just, what exactly is PG up to? what is he planning for Wanda to do, that *will* turn the tide?

Personally I don't buy all these theories about Stanley getting back to GK before Charlie's next turn, not saying it *couldn't* happen, just that it seems unlikely given what we know so far about distances and travel times. *shrug*

So that leaves the question, *how* can GK stand 'til it's next turn without a virtual miracle? Ansom is at the walls, and will take them unless PG stacks his defence there, *but* Charlie is already in control of GK's airspace which means, on his turn, he'll be able to attack the garrison directly.
The only thing that stopped Charlie taking the GK garrison last turn was the possibility that PG *might* capture the pliers from Ansom this turn, & curiousity about exactly what PG was planning that might stop the jetstone alliance, it had nothing (or little) to do with the strength of GK's forces.
So, even if GK inflicts enough damage on Jetstone this turn to make a JS assault unviable on their next turn, PG still needs a way of reinforcing his garrison to the extent that Charlie won't just amble in on his turn.
This makes me think that PG *has* to almost give up on the walls (I suspect the plan is to discourage JS's attack by inflicting massive demoralising damage this turn) and retreat everything he can (including forces raised by Wanda this turn) to the garrison before Charlie's go, just to counter the threat of Charlie walking straight into the garrison on his next turn, after both GK & JS have been weakened.
*shrug* just my thoughts atm, interested to hear feedback if anyone cares to offer it, but *very* interested to see how thing turn out (which I guess is just a sign of how well the comic has built the drama so far :) )

Incidently, I *did* like this strip, and recognise it as a tension builder before the big fight, but, DAMN! I was hoping to get some answers in this one, rather than more build up. Sure it will be worth it in the long run, but the thought of having to wait at least a few more days to see how it all plays out is bugging the boop out of me!
Damn you Rob and Jami for being so darn good! ;)

As far as the Stanley/transylvito fight goes: I'm curious, does anyone recall whether a stack needs an embedded leader to avoid *having* to engage, or whether it just needs a faction warlord to be in the same hex? I suspect it'll be made very clear very, very soon, but don't recall whether it's been specifically clarified thus far?

Whichever way this works I'm guessing that Stanley *will* punch through, IMHO it fits the drama better, especially given what's going on at GK this turn, &, at the end of the day I think this comic is more about spinning a good yarn than sticking exactly to some woolly, loosely defined game mechanics, at least I hope so! ;)