This particular chapter (battle for gobwin knob) is going to end with the coalition's downfall. Whether Ansome, Jillian, Vinny, Sizemore, Jack, or Maggie survive is all up in the air, but Stanley, Wanda, and Parson are immortal. Parson has total invincibility, while Wanda and Stanley might die in later chapters, but not now.

Faq is going to have a resolution, whether it becomes a city of GK, becomes Jillian's new capitol, is left abandoned is to be seen. Charlie is going to stay a major player, Jetstone is going to stick around (though its heir might, and probably will, die).

Ansome might live, but most likely he's going down. He's mostly 1-sided and he's the primary antagonist. What's more, if Wanda kills him, that's going to seriously mess up Jillian, who is a much more in depth character and will almost assuredly live.