sorry if I'm being a little slow lately, I've been busy/distracted.

Gurb looks at you a moment and shrugs. Listen pal, they're watching me. If I'd told anyone 'bout the tavern they'd have revoked my pass on the big boat. The Big Boat is the difference between livin' and dyin' here in a few days. I'm offerin' you a ride. I suggest you take it. With that, Gurb hobbles on, dragging the heavy bags behind him slowly. B'sides, you never know what the Shippers might know. They'll have the Merchant's stuff under their control first and foremost. When it comes time for them to pass out what they find, a new friend has a better chance of getting it than a corpse. The Halfling hobbles along.

Is Gurb a threat? Not anymore, you can tell he has some training and knows how to fight, but his gimp leg has made it nigh impossible for him to do so easily. As best you can tell, it seems like he's telling a pretty good facsimile of the truth. He might not be telling the god's honest truth, but he's in the ballpark. Maybe embellishing some things here, guessing at some things there. Nothing serious enough to call a lie or deceit.

Ka Yahn
As you speak to the woman, you can't help but feel a bit...crowded. A slight glance over your shoulder reveals the three men who came in through the kitchen standing ready to kill at even a flicker of suspicion. One appears rather large (too large to be human) and wields an odd, pincer-headed staff, and the other two appear human and ready with greatswords.

Meovai, Ursa, Ka Yahn, Barham
The obvious leader of the Guard steps forward. He has short brown hair and slightly more ornamental armor than his men, and has the unmistakable look of a brigand. Something about him lends a flicker of mischief to his eyes. He looks over you all and speaks, his mistress obviously more interested in Barham. I am Knight-Captain Harlowe of the Ruby Knights. If any of you move, you will die. If you reach for a weapon, you will die. Utter an incantation, ready a spell, or look at the High Priestess in a manner I deem less than desirable... you will die. He speaks to Meovai directly. And tell your pet bear what I'm saying, it goes double for him. With that the man turns, seemingly in the interest of being within arms reach of the woman as often as possible. Now that the soldiers have fanned out, you see a slight mix of uniforms that you can only assume refers to occupation. At the door stand two rather tall looking Ruby Knights with Pincer-headed staves. Barham stands just beyond the door and staring curiously into his eyes is the woman. Next to her is Knight-Captain Harlowe, who is wielding a greatsword. There are three more greatsword wielders standing in position between Harlowe and the Priestess and you. Behind Ka Yahn are the men in the kitchen, another tall knight with the staff and two sworders. Above on the second story appear three knights who appear more like armored mages. They are guarded by a fourth, who is also a tall staff knight. You cannot be certain how many more might be nearby or on call.

You stand dead still, looking down and muttering to yourself. Once your power has ended, you see an odd yet somewhat attractive woman in her forties staring at you. She has dark skin and an odd smile on her face. She appears to be quizzically examining you and, upon your sudden return to lucidity, jumps back slightly with a peep, minorly startled. This peep is immediately responded to with a number of weapons pointed directly at you.

Miss Chase looks at you sideways a moment. As I recall, he's the one who told you I was next in line for his job. The best you can tell him is that I asked you to side with me-- his chosen successor- once the time comes. If anything he might be a bit frustrated that you denied me. With that she smirks. Sleep well, elf.