To Tamlin,

So... youre saying that the comic is basically spiralling into selfindulent flip-flopping amongst genres. Not only that.. but youre accusing the creators of repeatadly making the mistake. Looking closely at your complaints they seem less like constructive criticism and more like 'your story isnt written the way id do it, so since i dont understand it youre obviously an inferior storyteller'.

This whole comic seems to be painting a picture of 'stuff isnt just black and white' which is what makes revelations about Wanda and Ansom's private (or not so private when its a meltdown in a command meeting) thoughts/lives so appropriate in terms of character development.

I took the final panel as another reminder about the ridiculousness of Erfworld. Parson may well be desensitized to the violence because he isnt experiancing it in person... but even he will have considered the absurdity of a world where people with feelings can get croaked whilst bad words are filtered out, for me the panel does a good job of bringing that point home again.