Hanging Tree
His voice goes unanswered, his song is the only warmth to fill the creaky tree, and it seems the Dryad is well on her way to some place beyond material. A lingering sense of foreign creeps at the edge of Amos’s senses. Like something’s hiding because it didn’t understand the small, insignificant thing standing near its feet; should it be afraid because it was small or laugh at its presumptions and devour it? What was this new creature called Amos? Would the sound of its voice drive this Amos creature to madness?

Some things are better left alone… Bards were known for their daring.

From your reconnaissance, earlier you learned that King Corvina hadn’t really gone very far in overland distance terms. Beneath the river you managed to locate an entrance through a large tunnel that led to an underground cavern. From the impressions you noticed were in the dirt, Corvina had gone there.
There were a few options left. Naturally you may continue down the road and altogether ignore the King’s bait. That would be the sensible choice, it meant giving up Absalom Stormcaller if you didn’t mind that on your conscience; be your own guest. The cave was probably dangerous, a trap or so you would be wise to believe.