Where villagers causing damage is concerned, I'd definitely make a distinction between standalone villagers causing damage and seer proxies causing damage, but I agree with most of what Goof said.

Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof
Now, for discussion, what things have kept people playing in the games even when they had a role they didn't like. I'm talking about things like

Games where everyone has had a role?
  • RP: I'm sure that for some people, this is a big factor.
  • Items: This definitely sparks player interest. I'm not a fan of items though, since only a handful of games can pull them off well. But if handled well, this can have a positive impact on player activity.
  • Money: Same as items.
  • Everyone has a role: Definitely a factor. The more power roles out there, the less autolynches.
  • Narrations: I've got some doubts about how much of a factor this is. If you're not active, you can't earn money to buy items, or RP with others. But narrations are constant, and therefore I don't think they really influence player activity. Whether you're active or not, there will always be narrations.

I believe that game length is also something to keep in mind. There's quite a difference between a game that lasts only a few weeks and a game that lasts months on end. This has nothing to do with the quality of these games, but I personally find myself lapsing into periods of interest and non-interest and back if the game runs on for too long. Especially during Camp II this was the case.

Ultimately, a narrator can only do so much. Things mostly depend on the players themselves. If someone tries something tricky, you're sure to get a spectacle. If someone tries something tricky and it goes horribly awry, you're guaranteed to get even more of a spectacle. A fair amount of Werewolf Drama™ - now that's what causes people to come back to the game thread again and again!