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Thread: DeepBlue's Vagabond - Act 1

  1. - Top - End - #1421
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: DeepBlue's Vagabond - Act 1

    Len stares around in wonderment at the darkly lurid study before freezing; upon recognizing the motionless Flare, she exchanges a glance with Harold. When Shimar levels his weapon on the still unresponsive sorcerer, Len isn't entrely hesitant to do likewise.

    "You don't think he got...?" she begins to ask, before placing down the sack of loot.

    "Yo, Flare! Hello?" Len calls. " The Medici government is pretty cool!"


    Ready Action: If Flare is still Silence McTightlips...

    Len taps her chin with a slender finger, not about to go anywhere near him until he shows some sign of life. She gets an idea.

    "Hey, Zarbucks! Shuriken-guy, you there? What's the lowdown?"

    Last edited by Ya Ta Hey!; 2008-10-01 at 03:25 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar0k
    Probability has betrayed me, I thought we had a thing.

    President, Founder, and Chairman of the Ya-Ta-Hey! Self-Promotion Club